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Our Products

Neurolumen prices start at $900.

Neurolumen has a FSS/GSA Contract #: V797D-40311
Neurolumen FDA Clearance #: K142025
Approved through the VA Central Office

Single Treatment Pad Kit

This unit has a total of 1 Treatment Pad. This is used for patients with a single area of pain  or will spend the time to treat multiple areas 

This unit contains 2 Lasers, 2 Electrical Stimulation and 4 LED’s 


Neurolumen Single Wrap Kit

Dual Treatment Pad Kit

This unit has a total of 1 Treatment Pad and the wrap can be used to treat 2 areas at one time or areas like feet, hands and elbows 

This unit contains 4 Lasers, 2 Electrical Stimulation and 8 LED’s


Neurolumen Dual Wrap Kit

Two Treatment Pad Kit

This unit has a total of 2 Treatment Pads. This is for a patient with multiple areas that need to be treated at one time 

This unit contains 6 Lasers, 4 Electrical Stimulation and 12 LED’s


Neurolumen Two Wrap Kit

Four Treatment Pad Kit

This unit has a total of 4 Treatment Pads. This is for a patient with multiple areas that need to be treated at one time.  

This unit contains 12 Lasers, 8 Electrical Stimulation and 24 LED’s


Treatment Pad, Single


Single Wrap

Treatment Pad, Dual


Double Wrap

A Breakthrough Pain Treatment Protocol

Neurolumen is excited to introduce e-Photonic Therapy — a pain treatment protocol that delivers three modes of healing energy in the form of laser, LED and electro-stimulation. This pioneering approach combines the restorative properties of biophotonic interaction with the therapeutic and analgesic properties of electrical stimulation.

Gracze w kasynie stosują terapię e-fotoniczną, aby złagodzić stres i poprawić swój nastrój. Terapia wykorzystuje light box, który emituje impulsy świetlne o niskim poziomie, które mają wywołać pozytywne zmiany w mózgu. Gracze w twierdzą, że terapia pomogła im zredukować stres i niepokój oraz poprawić nastrój. Wykazano, że światło elektroniczne ma korzystny wpływ na ludzki mózg i ciało. Uważa się, że stymulacja fotoniczna, która jest rodzajem terapii światłem elektronicznym, aktywuje różne części mózgu, które są odpowiedzialne za regulację nastrojów, myśli i uczuć. Badania wykazały, że terapia fotoniczna może pomóc osobom z lękiem i przewlekłym bólem. Terapia e-fotoniczna jest dość prosta. Gracze są umieszczeni w wygodnej pozycji i wystawieni na działanie niebieskich fal świetlnych. Fale te działają na uspokojenie umysłu i ciała.

The resulting enhanced vascular circulation improves tissue perfusion, which in turn increases the tissue’s ability to transport toxins and other metabolic waste from the tissues surrounding the affected cells.

Neurolumen's innovative technology offers dramatic improvement over conventional low-level laser (LLLT) devices.

When toxins, metabolites and other waste enzymes are more aggressively discharged from cells by only the application of biophotonic energy, they can simply accumulate in the surrounding tissues and soluble structures. Over time, these toxins may be osmotically reabsorbed into the treated cells, effectively re-impairing their respiration capabilities.

This is why laser therapy treatments often need to be reapplied in frequent succession to achieve lasting results. Neurolumen’s electrical stimulation improves vascular circulation and tissue perfusing, providing a unique mechanism to extricate these toxins and enhance metabolism resulting in more effective revitalization.

Pain Management for
Home & Clinical Use

Neurolumen utilizes low-level LASERS, electrical stimulation and LEDs combined into an easy to apply flexible wrap. The restorative power of the light therapy not only decreases inflammation, but also increases circulation to offer an effective alternative for your pain relief.

Quick Start Guide

Technical Product Information:

Part Number0904000-00
BatteryLithium-Ion 3.6V
Charger220/110 VAC, 50/60Hz input 9VDC
Laser Diodes 
Quantity per wrap2
Output Power60mW
LEDs, Red 
Quantity per wrap2
Output Power15mw
Leads, IR 
Quantity per wrap2
Output Power22mW
Tens (Load Impedance 500-550 ohms1)
Frequency2 Hz
Output Power100mA max
Pulse Voltage75VDC max
Pulse Width100us biphasic
Output Current100 mA max
Pulse Voltage75 VDC max
Pulse Width100us biphasic
Product #
Neurolumen LLC
Cardinal : 0904000-00
Neurolumen is FDA Cleared.

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